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Every donation to The Sanctuary helps ensure we continue to provide shelter, counselling, education and support for women, children escaping domestic violence. We value your support DONATEWHAT WE DO
Empowering Women and Children escaping Domestic Violence
During a clients stay at The Sanctuary our aim is to provide as much support for the women and children as possible, to help them to rebuild and recover from the effects of Domestic Violence. We offer a safe environment for them to re-establish their emotional stability, through providing an holistic approach to counselling, health and personal development.
Depending on each individual persons needs and situation we can provide intensive domestic violence and other counselling on site to ameliorate their emotional trauma (including one on one and group counselling).
Each week we have scheduled activities all designed to create balance, growth and peace of mind. These activities change on are regular basis however self defense and yoga are regular activities. We ask all clients to attend these classes and can provide a babysitter to watch over their little ones so they can focus on their own personal growth and enjoy the class.
We provide support to external community and specialist services as needed, such as job network providers, and disability employment services.
We encourage the women to find alternative long-term accommodation, to return to work, to study and access Government support. We assist them with completing their housing applications and supporting paperwork, and for those wanting to further their education we help them with exploring study options, as well as providing access to transport to their current place of employment.
With the generous support of organisations such as OzHarvest we are able to provide clients with access to food, clothing and essentials. OzHarvest is Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, collecting quality excess food from commercial outlets and delivering it directly to The Sanctuary every Thursday. The Paddock Bakery at Burleigh Heads is another local business who generously support our work here at The Sanctuary, five times a week we receive a delivery of fresh bread and bakery goods for all to enjoy.
There is access to the right legal advice and support in matters relating to areas such as Custody, Divorce, Child Support, Domestic Violence Orders, Court Orders, Residential Tenancy advice, Property Settlement, Victims of Crime payments, counselling and information
The Sanctuary also provides access to a full range of medical services, including a visiting Doctor, Psychologist, Pre-natal Counselling service, and Massage Therapist. For women undergoing drug and alcohol rehabilitation and detoxification programs, specialist help is also available.
We understand that leaving an abusive relationship is a positive move for these women and their children, however we also understand it can be a very difficult time. Our counsellors and volunteers are here to help and support them all the way, to break the cycle of Domestic Violence

The Sanctuary Women, Children & Pet's Refuge registered charity RETREAT FOR KIDS INC registration number: CH2895
ABN 18 598 200 318